Development proposals for the Lancashire Central site (also formerly known as the Cuerden Strategic Employment Site) at Cuerden. The latest proposals will replace the existing permission (granted in 2017) to implement a new and updated vision for this key strategic employment site, to deliver high-quality employment uses with the potential to create circa 2,000 jobs.
Before we submit a planning application, we will be consulting with the local community and stakeholders. The draft proposals will be available to view online at in the coming days. In the meantime, I enclose an indicative site plan for your information. Consultation leaflets with freepost feedback forms are being distributed to over 10,500 households in the local area.
The proposals will deliver a vibrant high-quality development, totalling over 160,000 sq. m of floorspace with a strong employment focus, including:
- Circa 2,000 new jobs in a variety of sectors including a wide range of higher skilled, higher salaried positions
- Significant new local employment space for offices, research and development, industrial, storage and distribution uses
- Commercial uses such as retail (foodstore, car showroom), food and drink outlets, gym/crèche, health centre/pharmacy and leisure facilities, to support the delivery of employment uses
- Up to 116 new homes set in natural landscape and next to existing houses
- Significant landscaping and the creation of areas of ecological habitat across the site and new attractive walking and cycle routes connecting to existing routes and public rights of way
- Significant investment in infrastructure, including green and blue spaces and planting, highways, pedestrian/cycle routes and public transport improvements, responding to the wellbeing agenda.
The planning application will seek outline permission for all elements of the proposals except the access points and a proportion of core green infrastructure, which will be in detail.
You can find out more information about the proposals at You can also keep up to date with the project by following our Facebook (@LancashireCentral) and Twitter (@LancsCentral1) pages.